Cause of Bleeding in the early stages of Pregnancy?

What could be causing bleeding and/or pain at this stage of pregnancy?
A threatened miscarriage 
If you have had bleeding and/or pain but your ultrasound scan confirms that your pregnancy is progressing normally, this is known as a threatened miscarriage. Many women who bleed at this stage of pregnancy go on to have a healthy baby. You may be offered by Dr Pulkit Nandwani a follow-up scan. 

An early miscarriage
Unfortunately, bleeding and/or pain in early pregnancy can mean that you have had or are having a miscarriage.

Sadly, early miscarriages are common. In the first 3 months, one in five women will have a miscarriage, for no apparent reason, following a positive pregnancy test. However, most miscarriages occur as a one-off event and there is a good chance of having a successful pregnancy in the future.

An ectopic pregnancy -
When a pregnancy starts to grow outside the womb, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy can pose a risk to your health.

A molar pregnancy -
A molar pregnancy is an uncommon condition where the placenta is abnormal and the pregnancy does not develop properly. A molar pregnancy is usually diagnosed when you have an ultrasound scan
 If you have a positive pregnancy test and your pregnancy cannot be seen clearly on ultrasound scan, it is known as a pregnancy of unknown location.
