Information to guide you after Laparoscopic Hysterectomy by Best Gynaecologist in Rohini

The Best Gynecologist in Rohini and the Best Gynecologist in North Delhi will help you in all the information you need for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy both during and after the operation.

You will be seen in the pre-assessment clinic a few days before the operation. Usually you will be admitted to the ward on the morning of the operation.

You must not eat or drink anything after midnight- the night before the operation.

Recovering Well

Every woman has different needs and recovers in different ways. Your own recovery will depend upon:

how fit and well you are before your operation

the reason you are having a hysterectomy

the exact type of hysterectomy that you have

how smoothly everything goes and whether there are any complications.

What can I expect after a laparoscopic hysterectomy?

Usual length of stay in hospital

In most instances you will be admitted to hospital on the day of your operation. You may be able to go home within 48 hours or, depending on your circumstances, you may need to stay in hospital for 1 to 3 days.

After-effects of general anaesthesia ?

Most modern anaesthetics are short-lasting.  During the first 24 hours you may feel more sleepy than usual and your judgement may be impaired.


 You will have between 3 or 4 small scars on different parts of your tummy. Each scar will be between 0.5 cm and 1 cm long.

Stitches and dressings

Your cuts will be closed by stitches by a Gynaecologist. These stitches dissolve by themselves.

Initially, your cuts will be covered with a dressing. You should be able to take this off about 24 hours after  your operation and have a wash or shower .


You may have a catheter (tube) in your bladder to allow drainage of your urine. This is usually for up to 24 hours after your operation until you are easily able to walk to the toilet to empty your bladder.

Vaginal bleeding

You can expect to have some vaginal bleeding for 1 to 2 weeks after your operation. This is like a light period and is red or brown in colour.  Some women have little or no bleeding initially and have a sudden gush of old blood or fluid about  10 days later. This usually stops quickly. You should use sanitary napkins if required.

Pain and discomfort

You can expect pain and discomfort in your lower tummy  for at least the first few days after your  operation.  When leaving hospital, you will be provided with painkillers for the pain you are experiencing by the Lady Doctor in Rohini

Starting to eat and drink
After your operation you may have a drip in your arm to provide you with fluids. When you are able to drink again the drip will be removed. You will be offered a drink of water or cup of tea and something light to eat.

Washing and showering

 You should be able to have a shower or bath and remove any dressings the day after your operation. Keeping scars clean and dry helps healing.

What can help you recover?

It takes time for your body to heal and for you to get fit and well again after a laparoscopic hysterectomy. There are a number of positive steps you can take at this time. The following will help you recover:-

Rest : Rest as much as you can for the first few days after you get home.  Rest doesn’t mean doing nothing at all throughout the day, as it is important to start exercising and doing light activities around the house within the first few days.

Pelvic-floor muscle exercises

Eat a healthy balanced diet

Avoid Constipation

Support from  your family and friends

A positive outlook

Getting back to normal

While it is important to take enough rest, you should start some of your normal daily activities when you get home and build up slowly. You will find you are able to do more as the days and weeks pass.

It is helpful to break jobs up into smaller parts and taking rests regularly. You can also try sitting down while preparing food or sorting laundry. For the first 1 to 2 weeks you should restrict lifting to light loads such as a 1 litre bottle of water. You should not lift heavy objects or do any strenuous housework .

Returning to work

Everyone recovers at a different rate. When you are ready to return to work will depend on the type of work you do, the number of hours you work and how you get to and from work. Normally women take around  1- 3 weeks to return to work.
